Look how far you have come.

What do you see when you look around? Which Facebook posts and pictures are the ones that catch your eye? Who are the people you’d like to be like?
Our lives are full of input and ideas on how to improve. Most of us strive to be better people, in a better financial situations, with better relationships, and living in more fulfillment than today. Aspiration, drive and forward momentum is a good thing, but when last did you think about how far you have come in life?
We have the tendency to remember the bad times, and appreciate when we shift to better times. The “rock bottom” times are not so hard to remember, but that may have been a long time ago already. When last did you have a day, or just a moment of recognizing the little improvements in your life. Little by little, they all ad up.
My guess is that if you sit in silence for a few minutes, right now, you will be surprised to notice how your wishes and desires have manifested. You may be surprised to recognize areas of emotional maturity, which certainly weren’t there just a few years ago. You may be surprised to see what you no longer are afraid of, and where you have built confidence and resilience. Why not take a whole day in honor of how far you have come in life?
No-one knows the nature of your own inner conflicts, insecurities and challenges. Therefor, no-one but yourself can truly recognize and honor just how far you have come. Well done to all of us. Blessings & much love.

Dealing with Anger

Haven’t just about all of us had the sensation of boiling inside with anger?
Some of us have learnt already that expressing it in that moment of extreme burning sensation brings no good – usually it makes things worse. Yet the feeling is there, so what to do? We’ve been warned again the dangers of this emotion, and especially the dangers of keeping it in.
Enlightenment as a goal, surely does not welcome this quality, and even just wanting to be a better person and having harmonious relationships have somewhat aversion to bringing the quality of anger to the table.
Suppressed anger is known to be a cause of depression. So, can’t let is spill out, can’t keep it in, then what to do?
What if we did not turn anger into this bad guy all the time. What if we accepted anger as perfectly appropriate messenger of information we need and want in order to get to know ourselves better. When we know ourselves better, it is easier to distinguish what we like and what we don’t. It is easier to make choices, it is easier to bring into manifestation our desires. So why not trust this messenger friend for a while and note every time you become angry about something. Write it down! This will help you blow off steam, as well as discover something about yourself – which always feels good. Wouldn’t you be pleased to pinpoint the things in your life which no-longer serve, with the empowerment that change in those areas may bring to your life?
Change is inevitable, you have no choice about that, but you have a choice in how you direct the change in your life. So, why not stop blaming the thing in your life which makes you angry. The anger is there already, the triggers are only messengers for you to get closer to yourself. Approach anger with curiosity and discover the person behind the emotion.

Passion and Purpose

What motives you? The quest to finding one’s passion and purpose in life has become such a popular topic, that many people find it a source of anxiety.
Showing your uniqueness has become a status symbol, this landmark, and thing one is supposed to have figured out. While it is really helpful to know your vocation in in life, what career you choose and what activity you spend most of your waking hours of, it is not to be confused with passion and purpose.
Passion and purpose are qualities, qualities that you feel within. Passion is having excitement, and interest, and purpose is to understand your motivation behind every little action. To cultivate these qualities may take a lifetime, and in a lifetime you may move through many vocational choices and career options. In a driven world, the sooner you work on a career the sooner you feel part of system, be it a superficial system. If it can be sold to you that your work is a supposed to be your passion and purpose, a lot of money is to be made.
In reality, passion and purpose are qualities you can start cultivating right now. You already have those qualities within. You have a whole lifetime to work on it, to play with it, and enjoy it! In the meanwhile, accept your way of income, and bring to it those qualities of passion and purpose. As you become more confident in being yourself, passion and purpose becomes more of who you are rather than what you do vocationally.
Sooner or later the changes you’d like to see manifest in your external environment will have no choice but to manifest. For now accept your real challenge, that of being human, that of bringing passion to your interactions and living on purpose.
Much love.