Which Chakra is your Intimacy Magnet? Try this quiz to find out. Chakra Quiz


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About YOU:

You want to be less inhibited, fully expressed, and more fulfilled. You want to clear your chakras for sensual embodiment. You want to resolve trauma to experience true intimacy. You crave to be more yourself! And you want to follow a proven spiritual approach from an expert you can trust.

About ME:

Hi I’m Amanda, your spiritual-sensuality advisor. I firmly believe that it is time for you to re-embody your sensual self and finally let go of the trauma holding you back.

I want you to re-sensitize your body and stand strong in your intuition. I want you to feel incredible in your body and find total release.

And guess what?

I know that I can get you there.

Because I know where I’ve been.

I created this platform after 17 years in the healing field, and after my own personal transformation. Now I’m on a mission to apply my knowledge where it really matters.

So there I was at 18, secretly studying Taoist Qi Gong, camouflaged as self-defense classes to satisfy the strict Christian codes in the home of a Protestant Church minister.

Thus pre-internet, the generous art of Eastern Philosophy is also where I got my early Sex Education from.

In my 20s I traveled to India for a year to learn about the Mystical Arts after which I found myself voluntarily confined to the boundaries of a Buddhist Meditation center for another year.

… until I left… to be met with some pretty unhealthy relationships.

Turns out overvalue of Buddhist Altruism in a Western Capitalistic environment, wasn’t a great strategy.

In spite of all my moral and spiritual efforts, I was left depleted and empty.

And disproved of the entirety of my beliefs, my work, my existence.

I asked myself, “How can a person committed to all the right things be so wrong?”

Cleaning my slate, I started again from the bottom.

A series of yogic breathing restored my will, transformed my relationships, and ignited a new air of magnetic presence.

I started seeing clients again, many of who mirrored so much of what I had been through.

All my healing practices made sense again… with the added direction that becoming a sex educator was the obvious path to open the discussion where it mattered most.

The Taoists teach women to lead the way in the bedroom, and by leading the way in the bedroom, we get to lead ourselves back to our true essence.

I have since successfully transformed my own partner and I’ve helped women transform their sexually illiterate lovers, simply by changing themselves. I have seen invisible women risen like Phoenixes, and I have witnessed men bedazzled, with their previously forgotten wives after our work together.

See, in all those years, I didn’t do anything wrong … but missed some fundamental guidelines along the way.

You are reading this because you have been there too. And now you’re done living the old way.

You’re driven to be more than you’ve ever been before.

So if you want to learn the secrets of:

– How to never again lose yourself in a relationship.

– How to make yourself matter and be magnetic.

– How to guide your lover to your pleasure

– in the bedroom and in life.

– How to re-sensitize your body and discover what you want, need and desire!

– How to refine your beliefs about your sexuality.

– How to set up unmistakable boundaries.

– How to let go and surrender to a total experience of freedom.

Apply to work with me here

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What Our Clients Say About Us

  • I wanted to learn how how to manage some long held frustratations and contacted Amanda for insight. Amanda suggested for my wife join us and we fully commited to 6 sessions. What I found most interesting was how long past events still influence me today. I feel a lot lighter now and more at ease. I really enjoyed working with Amanda and got so much more out of it than what I originally I signed up for.


  • I booked the Life mission Mantra Session with Amanda and had an amazing time with a view of the Sedona Red Rocks. I felt a lot clearer when I left and would recommend this session to anyone looking for some life clarity.

    Oct. 2019


  • I had my first in-person intuitive reading with Amanda on 11/11. Amanda’s gentle demeanor immediately put me at ease. Some of what she shared verified what I already knew but what truly helped me were the insights she shared that is now helping guide me forward on my path. Her guidance along with her healing energy has given me a new perspective and reminder to allow myself to let go of my fears. Thank you Amanda!

    Fast forward to 11/20, I had another reading from Amanda this time via phone. There was so much in the initial reading that I needed to clarify and dig deeper into. Amanda’s way of relaying messages were in a loving and beautiful way.

    I walked away from that call with new inspiration and a lighter brighter outlook into what the future may hold. Thank you Amanda for your help and healing energy. Hazel Bellemare

    Hazel Bellemare

  • Amanda’s patient, intuitive guidance during my session was perfect! Emotions and fears that had been stuck inside my organs for years finally got a voice. Thank you so much! 

    Aksel Vega

  • I recently had a reading by Amanda. She was absolutely spot on. Amanda was very professional yet cordial and friendly putting me at ease for the reading. Using a flower-reading-method, she was able to see exactly where I am in my current life and how it is progressing. She answered my questions quite accurately and I feel confident anyone having a reading by Amanda will be happy and satisfied with the information she conveys.


  • I had a virtual reading done with Amanda and the experience was profound. The entire reading was done in love and light and there was a constant feeling of warmth and caring.

    Amanda’s messages were clear and concise. She touched on subjects I did not think were going to be part of the reading and the messages were personal and relevant.

    Her guidance and healing have left me feeling lighter and burdens have been lifted.

    I am excited to take my daughter for the treatment as recommended.

    Would definitely be contacting Amanda again for future readings!

    Nov 2020

    Tammy Davies

  • It’s difficult to put into precise words how incredible this experience was for me. I went into the healing with zero knowledge of what this healing would entail or expectations. I was truly blown away by your accuracy on the symbolic messages that you perceived about the stage that I find myself in at this time of my life. Your descriptions of every symbol or image that you’d capture were extremely powerful and meaningful for me. I was able to connect every message to what it represents in my life and gave me clarity on a very heavy particular matter I had been carrying my whole life. I am able to breathe better and it gave me so much confidence that I am on the right path. So, thank you, Amanda for being so wonderful and an amazing healing – you have an incredible gift


  • Amanda’s reading was spot on!! she picked up on my religious upbringing and how that programming affected my sex life. she gave great suggestions on how to improve it! it was not invasive at all! You will be delighted how good of a reading it is!


  • What an amazing experience!! I felt as though she was peering deep into my Soul! She brought up details about my life that she could not know. Some things she wasn’t sure about, what they meant, but I did! She was VERY GOOD at conveying what Spirit was relaying to her. Amanda was clear and articulate in her reading. She even got emotional about some of the visions for my life that she received, they were so powerful! I was able to relate to a lot of what she said, and some things I didn’t understand at first, but in just a few weeks time they became VERY evident.
    I would highly recommend seeing Amanda for an intuitive reading. I shared her insights with my Husband, and he was in awe and would like to have a reading done for himself. Thank you Amanda!


  • I thought that I was already an open person before I started my coaching. I was surprized how much more of myself I discovered and how much more I now want to know. My relationship with my husband is much better now. We laugh more and our communication is easier.


  • Amanda was very bright and insightful. She asked great questions and tailored the discussion specifically to us. We are glad we did this!

    Melinda and Griff

  • YES if you are considering. An epic experience to explore and learn. Ms. Amanda has a true gift. She shares her unique connection to awaken the light within YOU. You will be grateful for her, like me.
